Sunday, March 29, 2009

Great News!!!!!

I was really going to wait for a few days to post this Great News......but decided to go ahead and post now!
Josh and Melissa are going to be Mommy and Daddy!
They have wanted a baby for a REALLY long time so we are all very excited for them. I think I was a litttle beside myself actually!
They have been the aunt and uncle watching neices and nephews for quite some time so it will be sweet for them to have one of their own. :)
I think they have got to tell most everyone on their list by now and I didn't want to share their news before they had the enjoyment of telling for themselves.
It has been a Great week for this Grammy!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Label fits us too.......

Here is another goody I found while going through tax reciepts. It's amazing{or pittiful?} how so much stuff ends up in our file cabinet meant for tax papers ! My mom gave me this at a family reunion several years back but it does me good to reread it from time to time and realize that everything children do is not always just their fault alone. The adults really have to take credit/blame for a lot of things that our children as a whole are doing today.
Label fits us Too.... We read in the papers We hear it on the air Of killing and stealing And crime everywhere. We sigh and we say As we notice the trend "This young generation Where will it end?" But can we be sure That it's their fault alone? That maybe a part of it Might be our own? Too much money to spend, Too much idle time, Too many movies Of passion and crime. Too many books Not fit to read Too much evil In what they hear said. Too many children Encouraged to roam By too many parents Who won't stay at home. Youth don' make movies, They don't write the books That paint a gay picture Of gangsters and crooks. They don't make the liquor, They don't run the bars. They don't make the laws And they don't buy the cars. They don't make drugs{well sometimes they do} That addle the brain. It's all done by older folks Greedy for gain. And how many cases We find that it's true The label "Delinquent" Fits older folks too! ~Author Unknown~
Okay***I'm done with tax prep and filtering through I'm all blogged out for today :)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!

What is Christianity?

While going through reciepts{and other misc. things crammed into the file cabinet} this morning I came across this paper I had caried in my Bible for several years{not sure how it ended up in the file cabinet} anyway.... I thought it was still worth sharing
What is Christianity? *In the home it is kindness *In business it is honesty *In society it is courtesy *In work it is fairness *Toward the unfortunate it is pity *Toward the weak it is help *Toward the wicked it is resistance *Toward the strong it is trust *Toward the fortunate it is congratulations *Toward the penitent it is forgiveness *Toward God it is reverence and love
Then at the bottom of the page I have a little note *probably to me* that says:
"want what you already have"

{borrowed from homegrown Hospitality}

******Okay...back to tax stuff.....ugggggggh!******

Friday, March 27, 2009

****Miss Lilly****

Well, it hasn't worked out to get to Miss Lilly for pictures as I had hoped , but her Grammy Wendy got to see her last weekend and got a few so she let me share them with everyone on here. This is our newest member of the family and I think she is precious. Just wish I could snuggle and kiss her......
This is Miss Lilly and her Grammy Wendy.....{I think she has that "I got my eye on you" look here} Here is the proud uncle Jo and her mommy Lacey....... This is her Grandpa Tim holding his little girl's- little girl :) Makes me want to see her that much more

Happy Thoughts .....

Thought I'd share some happy thoughts for today.......
As always Kayden makes me happy.....while we do laundry...he enjoys playing in the basket. See it really doesn't take much to make little ones happy. How many of us are happy with laundry baskets? {Although I will admit...EMPTY laundry baskets do make me a happy} I think we could all find something Beautiful everyday if we try.....just look outside....God made a beautiful new spring just for us :) Spring makes me happy! {Borrowed from Homegrown Hospitality} I think I need this one on my fridge...... :) {borrowed from Homegrown Hospitality}
This one just makes me smile...I love it! This I need EVERY day! {borrowed from Homegrown Hospitility} And last but not least........ :)

I found this on a blog somewhere yesterday and thought it was just too cute!!! Definately fits in the happy thoughts catergory. Don't you just love children? They come up with some doosies!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My husband knows.....

I read on Jessica's blog the other day a post "About my Husband" and told her I may do one on my blog but I had a list started sometime back about things my husband knows about me. Sometimes it's easier to just think our husbands don't pay any attention to things that we like or dislike or what is important to us and that may be true in some cases but as I was thinking about this I realized he really does know more than I maybe give him credit for so here are some of the things my husband knows about me that I appreciate..... {sorry--it's another list post} M.Y. H.U.B.A.N.D. K.N.O.W.S............ *I love being a Christian *I am totally in love with only him :) *I love my family *I don't like going barefoot{which makes sense since I don't like dirty feet either} *I am not an outside person *Just the way I like my coffee *I still like to snooze after the alarm goes off{usually only twice} *I would rather spend time with him than to recieve flowers or gifts *I would rather put off a major purchase to be able to afford a vacation out west *I would rather camp in Colorado than not go at all *My favorite snack is Suzy Q's and favorite candy is circus peanuts and orange slices *That I love photography and supports my habbit{seriously...he paid for all of it!} *When I have a migraine by looking at my eyes *I love flannel pajamas *my weaknesses and my stregnths *He is my best friend *I would rather be on the computer than watching t.v. *I love flowers but can't keep them alive very long{everyone knows that though :( } *That our War Eagle craft show dates are very special to me. *The Biggest Loser is the only show I care to watch *My favorite season is fall

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I love this about spring.....

Since we are now officially on spring break I thought I would post a few things I love about Spring..... I Love *Sunny days *Warm breezes *flower's blooming *butterflies *blue skies *lemonaide *kites flying *Easter *bright green leaves *picnics *long walks *sitting on my back porch *children playing{outside because it is healty!} *bubble blowing *egg hunts *birds singing *softball season *open windows *planting our garden *bright colors *Spring Break *bunnies *taking pictures *playtime with Kayden *yard sales

I'm sure I could think of plenty more to add to this list.......what are your favorite things about Spring?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Quick baby update.....

Just a quick baby update.....Candace went for her ultrasound today and she is having a GIRL!!! I am so excited to get to buy pink and bows and all kinds of frilly little things!!!! Her name will be Jaycie Lea RaKayla {for now}. She is 25-26 weeks as of now so it won't be toooooo much longer. The baby is healthy and that's what is important!
Grammy is thrilled!!!!!
P.S. if you are on my facebook or my space I put the same info{kind of}

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Okay .....we did get the garden thingy built but nothing planted :( It rained off and on too much yesterday to get it all done . We did get our pittiful looking flower beds in front cleaned up and even planted flowers in the one in front of our porch which has been BARE AND EMPTY for several years now needing much attention and I must say it looks so much it wasn't a total waste of a weekend PLUS I got to spend the biggest part of the day yesterday and all of today with Bobby{that is rare!} I am pooped or lazy {one or the other}and just want to rest but it's time to get ready for church. Looking forward to a GREAT service tonight!!
Only 2 days of school/work this week and then SPRING BREAK!!! Woo-Hoo! Can't wait!
Have a wonderful work week yall! :)

This is not in our yard although I would like for it to be.... we took this picture last summer on vacation

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday means.......

Wow, it's Friday already....funny how it seems like it took so long to get here again but seems like such a short time since I blogged about my last Friday. And not so funny how it seems like for the past 3 weeks I seem to get a Migraine on Friday afternoons. What's with that????? I'm definately not likeing that. Moving on..... Friday means...... *2 days off work{although I do like my job-I just love weekends} *catching up on housework {somewhat} *too much eating......:( {that is probably everyday} *longer coffee mornings with Bobby tomorrow :) :) *resting {somewhat} *planting a garden tomorrow{small one....very small} *praying for my garden tomorrow {seriously....I don't know how to grow plants well} *no ballgames for a few days *sleeping in till .........6 *reading time!!! I still love Fridays!!!!

Bree and Cousin Dakota

Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Kayden

Today is Kayden's real birthday, but since he had 2 parties over the weekend he probably doesn't even know that even though we have wished him happy birthday over and over today. He just keeps saying Bir-day :) and then he tried earlier today to sing it {birrrrrrrrrr-daaaaaaaaaaaaay} lol! So funny!
It is so hard to believe that two whole years have passed since Kayden was born...He has been a most amazing addition to our family! I can't imagine what we ever did before him now. He brings such joy to our everyday life with his smiles , laughs and his energy! We are so very blessed to have him as our grandson. I am proud to be his Grammy! Here is Kayden yesterday at his birthday party and he loved this card that Josh and Melissa got him with wild Monkeys making all kinds of crazy noises. Here is our little Kayden one year ago on his first birthday. He has changed so much ! It's hard to believe someone can change so much in just a year but he sure has.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kayden's Happy Birthday's....

This has been a busy weekend for our little Birthday Boy to Be {Kayden}
He had 2 birthday parties and lots of presents to unwrap. By the time he made it to the party today he was tired of opening gifts.....I'm sure he will enjoy all of them but for now it's all a little overwhelming.
He had a VERY short nap yesterday before his party so needless to say he was Oh so tired and unhappy at first....... This is the harmonica that his other Grammy and Papa got him. I was surprised to see that he knew how to play it! Well not a real tune but he knows how to make noise....
Here are some pictures of his first birthday party yesterday with the Cars theme....
More from yesterdays party......I love the bow in his hair :)

These are from today....just a small party with uncle Josh, aunt Melissa ,and family with John Deere as the theme.

Happy Birthday to my sweet lil Kayden {tomorrow} A big 2 years old!!!

How well do you know your husband...

Bobby {near War Eagle} I found this on another blog and thought it was cute so I gave it a try..... How well do you know your husband? 1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? Hunting dvd 2. You're out to eat - what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? Italian 3. What's one food he doesn't like? Macaroni and Cheese 4. You go out to eat and have a drink, what does he order? Unsweet Ice tea 5. Where did he go to high school? Mountain View, AR 6. What size shoe does he wear? 11 1/2 8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? club sub 9. What would this person eat every day if he could? deer meat 10. What is his favorite cereal? Honey bunches of oats with almonds 11. What would he never wear? long hair 12. What is his favorite sports teams? Cotter Warriors 13. Who did he vote for? McCain 14. Who is his best friend? Me 15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Forget to write down things in his checkbook 16. What is his heritage? American 17. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake? Butter Pecan 18. Did he play sports in high school? no 19. What could he spend hours doing? fishing and hunting 20. What is one unique talent he has? people skills

Friday, March 13, 2009

Froze out!

Okay.....I am just thawing out from the ballgame. Anyone who thinks you can't freeze in 45 degree weather hasn't sat at the ballpark by the river today for 3 hours watching ballgames! Burrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I was so cold when it was over that I couldn't hardly feel my feet! The scores**8-6 first game, they won*****1-4 second game, we won** Soooooo, we came home and fixed breakfast for dinner and hot coffee! {instead of going out to eat-which I am tired of doing} Mmmmmmm. I'm starting to warm up now..... Definately ready for the weekend now..........................

Friday....thank you!

Ohhh....another Friday.....I love Fridays! It has been one BUSY week!
But I did manage to...
*get the cookies made with my Wednesday night class at church and they loved them{so did our Pastor, Brother Mark }
*took Bree for her ortho appointment{ and her teeth are getting straighter and the gap is closing which makes her VERY happy}
*read lots of new blog posts!
*Reconnected with an old friend from highschool via facebook{who is now a pastor!}
*Got a sweet letter from my big sister in Nevada updating me on her family! I miss her!
*finished "A sister's secret" by Wanda Brunstetter {Amish novel}
*got lots of sugars and giggles from Kayden {his giggles are contagious} :)
*only had 1 migraine this week {until now} woo-hoo {very unusual }
*watched my husband take a night off working in the shop{priceless! and rare}
But now*******
I am looking forward to a little relaxing this weekend hopefully!
And... I really love going to Brees softball games! They have done well this year considering they have switched coaches and most of them are playing with girls they aren't used to playing with, but they have won all of their games so far. She has one this afternoon again ...... so I'm off to a chilly afternoon at the ballfield! I'll be glad when it warms up some.....{I did NOT draw this picture} Love this picture!!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lovin' spring like weather......

Ya have to admit...Saturday and Sunday were the prettiest days we have had in a while and even though it was quite windy, it was still so nice to be outside{and I'm not even an outside person} I did get to get a few pictures of Bree for spring or pre-spring. I'm gonna have to try to get Mr. Kayden out for some soon now that it is getting nicer{after the upcoming predicted cold front that is}'s my little girl :)
Definately a beautiful weekend!
I still have more pics to post, but didn't get them all edited yet, so more to come later{maybe!}

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally accomplished something!

Wow! This has been a great weekend,even though I have missed our lil Kayden something awful! :( :(
I finally managed to get SOMETHING accomplished. Namely housework and laundry! I's exciting huh?
I did get to take Bree out for a few pictures Saturday but don't have many edited just yet but maybe in the next day or so.......
AND I have been wanting for quite some time to make a tutu for my little neices Holly and Kensie for pictures{well, I still have to make another one because there are two of them} and I finally got that made just today and a baby one also for my new neice Lilly, so hopefully soon I will get to get some pictures of them.
And....I am learning to crochet{ummm sorta} and I did kinda make a hat and a cocoon of sorts{still need lots of practice in that area} BUT I bought one and it is so absolutely precious!
And ...We had two wonderful church services today! We are really blessed with an awesome pastor and family.
I finally added some new songs to my playlist{you might have to scroll down and click on them though because I have several songs on it but I really like them all so I don't want to take any of them off }
And last but not least I did a trial run on a new recipe we are doing this week for our Wednesday night middles youth class...Old Testament Cookies. We looked up the scriptures last Wednesday night after our lesson to find the ingredients and I promised them I would try them first to make sure they were good before this coming Wednesday night so we would know if the recipe worked or not .
TEST RESULTS***I liked them, but Bobby and Bree did not like the cloves in them.
Here is the Recipe if you would like to try them yourselves{hint...if you don't like cloves you might want to omit that part of the recipe} And I did leave out the milk because I never put milk in my cookies. I also baked them on an airbake cookie sheet because I like them best.
Old Testament Cookies
1/2 cup Judges 5:25 {butter}
1 cup Jeremiah 6:20 {Sugar}
1 Job 39:14 {egg}
1TBS Judges 4:19-2nd sentence {milk} I OMITTED THIS BECAUSE IT DOESN'T NEED MILK
1 3/4 cups Leviticus 6:15 {flour}
1/4 teaspoon Leviticus 2:13 {Salt}
1/4 teaspoon Amos 4:5 -8th word {Leaven...baking powder}
1/4 teaspoon each 2nd Chronicles 9:1 {spices} Nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon
mix butter, sugar, and egg . Add dry ingredients. Drop by teaspoonful on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for about 8-10 minutes. Yummy
{to me}
Try them and see what you think.
I hope the children like them........
And I hope you all have a Wonderful week!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's finally Friday and.....'s finally Friday{my favorite day of the WORK week} and....... I need to be cleaning my house..but I'm not I really need to do some sewing...but I'm not I really want to take new pictures to post...but I haven't I need to do a pile of laundry{and I do mean a BIG pile, not just a basketfull} ...but it's still there I had a horrible migraine....but praise the Lord it's finally gone! I miss my lil Kayden....and wish he were here so I could hug him , but he's with his Daddy My computer desk is a mess.....but apparently doesn't bother me enough to straighten it up Sooo....let's see here, so far all I have managed to do is get rid of a headache and be LAZY ! I'll start over again tomorrow and see if I can do better......

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

25 things about me.....

I found this on my facebook page tonight. I posted it on there sometime back I think and thought I would post it here also....... 25 things about me....... 1-I love photography 2-I love being a mom and Grammy 3-I love sonics Mocha Java Chiller-Yummy! 4-I love the snow but not the cold 5-I love reading blogs-and sometimes stalk some of them! 6-Fireproof is a new favorite movie ..ya gotta see it! 7-I miss my husband when he is at work 8-I love to hike in Colorado but not in Arkansas...too humid here! 9-Suzy -Q snack cakes are my favorite! 10-I don't like texting 11-I love being a Sunday School teacher 12-Red is my favorite color 13- I love relaxing in my Jammies all day..not that I do that often 14-My husband is my best friend 15-I don't like politics 16-I love the smell of baby magic baby bath 17-I rarely ever wear nail polish{because of my job} 18-I have fibromyalgia {and hate it!} 19-I love scrapbooking, but rarely do it 20-I love staying at home with my family 21-fall is my favorite season 22- I love to bake 23-I like reading Amish books 24-I like wearing Fat Baby boots 25-I love making rag quilts...but rarely have the time to do it anymore!

He's funny and doesn't even know it....

Today Kayden was going to his Daddy's for the evening while Mommy worked so I asked him if he was going to go to Daddy's house to play, and he said "Daddy work." He was right his Daddy was at work so I asked him what does Mommy do at work{because yesterday he said Mommy at is right since she works at Nima's}and he said{as he patted his cute lil head}"her hair". Absolutely hilarious to me!!! He is so funny ...or maybe I am just easily amused!
And just a little inspiration for today
{ borrowed from Homegrown Hospitality}

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Miss Lilly is here!

****Welcome Miss Lilly**** ****Congratulations Lacey & J.R.****
Yesterday my neice Lacey had her baby girl ...Lilly Cheyenne{Cheyanne ?}..... she is sooo cute :) I can't wait till I get to meet her. Ummm and take pictures of her sweet little self......
My sister Wendy {Lilly's Grammy} sent me this picture this morning so I wanted to share it.
{ NOTE**this is before her first bubble bath :) } do hospitals still use Baby Magic Baby bath? That is absolutely the best smell. I used it on Brianna forever, but now it seems like it's getting harder to find :( {that makes me sad}