Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lakeside with Bree

Brees favorite hat......
Okay...I finally got the lakeside pics edited. I don't know how she managed to keep from getting tired of me snap, snap, snapping but somehow she did. I love the ones on the little pier. I might have to go back over there again. I'm loving the snow but will also look forward to spring so I can get out and take more pictures!! Lotsa fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bree and her daddy...I hope she stays a daddy's girl :) Not afraid to hold her daddy's hand in public....that usually doesn't last forever....
**********Love this shot********** Something must have been funny, but I can't remember what :0 The boots Ohhh she is growing up so very fast!


Charin Adams said...

These are so cute! :) Jessica took my pictures out there a couple of years back, it's a good spot :)

rhonda said...

those are so good looks like your having alot of fun with taking pictures