WEll Sunday was the big day!! Kayden turned one year old!!! Sure doesn't seem like it's been a year already. He is still such a loveable lil darlin'. His birthday party was at the park. OOOOOHHH Chilly! Much too chilly for a party, but it turned out good. Here are some pictures of his big day. John Deere cake(of course)
Kayden's cake! Yummy.........
Still Yummy.......
still more yummy......
Present time. Kayden liked this part for about.....2 presents, then he was tired of it and just wanted to play with the toys, or bows, or box........
A new baseball too. Kayden loves balls!!!!
A HUMMER......oooooohhhhhhhh
He really liked swinging....I'll have to remember that and take him to go swing.....
Kayden and his daddy playing on the merry*go*round......
Oh, what a day to remember...... So Very Sweet..........
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