Monday, December 31, 2007

Sharing some of my favorite 2007 pics

In watching the news and other programs today it seems like a time for looking back over the year and remembering memorable moments. I decided to do that with some of my pictures. This was tough to do seeing as how I took probably around 8,000 or so pictures in 2007. But here are a very few of my favorites I wanted to share that havn't already been put on this blogspot. It has been so much fun taking all these pictures and I'm sure Lord willing I will have more to share with you in the upcoming new year.....
This is Bree the night of the fair pageant...she looks so grown up Ohhhhhhh...even more so here..I'm glad she was blowing that kiss to me and not a BOY !!! Can you find Kayden...shhh he's hiding : ) ummm and eating the leaves : ) Awww this is definately a sweet one. This mama loves her baby!!!!!! This is one of Bre and her friends FEET.. I thought it was so cute....
This was one of my first inside shots I did with backdrops. It was Bres posing idea..I think she made a good choice. Grammy and Kaydens first photo together. He was only about 3 hours old here. Have teddy bear...will travel (to Grammy's) Got film???
I actually ordered all these used film canisters off e-bay(always look there first) from a photographer in Montana so I could take this picture. I loved it!!!
Kayden's a cowboy in the making...... Kayden and his lovey blankey Bree's mirror pretty Stop and smell the flowers..... Let's play ball !!!!!!
Hope yall all have a wonderful New Year !!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Southern friend Sherri !!

Sherri is my super sweet ***Southern*** friend. She is full of life and laughter, and can brighten a room just by walking in. It would be very hard to find a more compassionate person. Her love for life, God , and her family is so awesome. I love my friend Sherri!!! Here are some pictures I took of her and her family last Sunday at Church. She's kinda like me...always on the other end of the camera and seldom gets to have her family picture taken.
SEE...can't ya just tell how much she loves David? This is an absolutely beautiful family Sweet...Sweet...Sweet Look at those smiles...... All done*****Simply Beautiful
Thanks Sherri for letting me share you with my family and friends.

Kayden and Papa

Kayden and his Papa are good buddies. He has brought so much more joy to our lives. We were already blessed with our children and their spouses but a baby has a way of stealing a persons heart all over again. Here are some pictures of Kayden and his papa. The first ones were taken today after church. Kayden loves to watch Brother Mark preach, and we love to take him to church with us. The playful ones were taken a few days ago when Bobby came home from work. Kayden was excited to see his Papa.
Shhhh....let the baby sleep Just had to get another one of his darlin toes. They're 9 months old now. Now here's a Kodak (or in my case Canon) moment...They slept like this for about 2 hours. Just too sweet not to have a picture of. Kayden does NOT like socks. He was in the process of taking this one off while I was taking the picture. Even if he can only take one off he's happy. I guess his lil piggies have to breath. Kayden loves playing patty-cake. The roll em up part is his favorite. Ahh... now the fun begins. I think they're both enjoying this........ Papas blowing zerberts on Kaydens belly. I love to hear him laugh!!!! He's a busy little fella but OHHHHHH so much fun....We love every minute we have with him. We are blessed!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's Resolutions ????

Have you ever wondered why so many people make New Year's resolutions? I'm not one for making them because I rarely would ever follow through with it I'm afraid. It seems like it's kind of a ***to do list** to me. Wow!!! I make those almost every day. Usually I make them so large that there is no possible way I could ever hope to accomplish all the things I list in a days time (of course I could...maybe...get more done if I would stay off the computer!!) Then what I don't get done goes on my next days to do list. Hmmm....sounds just like resolutions to me, except they get put off a WHOLE year. Anyway in light of our upcoming holiday and kinda keeping the tradition of resolutions I decided to make a New Year's To Do List : ) .
If you want to play along just copy and paste the 10 things on my 2008 to do list and go to comment and put it in there. Change the answers of course and put yours in unless by some small chance our goals for the new year are the same : )
My 2008 To Do List
1. Read my Bible and pray more-You can never do too much of these two things.
2. Eat healthier(I'm starting that on the 1st-no need to start before then)
3. Exercise more (walk-walk-walk)
4. Clean out the clutter in my house--uuggggg
5. Take some kind of photography course !
6. Learn to use my camera better
7. Read my camera manuels (doing this first would probably help with #6)
8. Paint my photography room
9. Be nicer to everyone
10. Take more pictures- Of Course!! : )
Yes...I am definately going to try to do these things. After all I have a whole year right?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas with the Copeland's

Here are some more Christmas photos of our family...just added A rare photo-me and my girls...don't have many of these......... dessert is always good Here is our game of cranium~~~deep in thought Here's my brother in law Bill~~~very entertaining......... My baby sister Davida on Christmas day~~( she wasn't feeling very well ) Sure was glad to get to see her though. Little Jacob my nephew. He's a hard one to catch to get a picture of**he's super shy, but oooh so cute! Mama on Christmas day. My kinda day!! Jammies all day long......... Here's my ohh so cutie pie handsome nephew Jesse...didn't get to catch his brother Dakota or his daddy Rod to get pictures of them...maybe next time though! Here's my sister Vicki...... Got to see her at mamas house. Kayden's first ever Christmas dinner~~~~Mmmmmmmmmmm A yummy candy cane from Aunt Davida and Uncle Rod Pretty good candy Gettin' better Oh yaaaah that feels good on the gums~~Mmmmm Kayden loves candy !
This year we kinda did things different for Christmas. On Christmas eve we went to Bobby's mom and dad's house and had a yummy dinner, gifts and played the white elephant game. That was a lot of fun! BUT......... I forgot to take my camera : ( . I always take my camera but this time I guess I got too busy and forgot it. On Christmas morning we always read the Christmas story and pray first before we open gifts so then we opened our gifts from each other and then Josh, Melisssa, Candace, Wade , and Kayden came over and we had more gifts. Then we went to my moms to visit a while, then back home and the kids came over again to have dinner with us. WE also played Cranium again**what a fun game** Here are some pictures from our day...
Grammy and Kayden with some of his new toys. Papa and Kayden with his shape o toy rattle from Josh and Melissa Kayden opening presents My darlin' snowman that my sister gave me for Christmas This year Bobby read the Christmas story--WE take turns--this actually we do first, I just didn't download the pictures in the right order. A muzzleloader pistol for Bobby**He was a very good boy this year... : ) A pink camera for Bree... Just what she wanted! More presents for Bree ... she got lots of goodies! A jacket from Brianna Makeup from Aunt Vicki for Bree Even though it was a very busy time ----we are blessed. Wonderful family and friends...beautiful healthy children.... a place to call home... An unselfish Savior who made it all possible !