Josh and Melissa came by Friday night to share their exciting news that they are having a BOY !!!! They said Dr. was 99.9 % sure it was a boy after doing the ultrasound. Their for sure ultrasound is next month but I think they seen enough to tell already! I am thrilled!!!! Of course I would have been thrilled with a girl's a BABY.....doesn't matter which one to me!!! I love em all! They are going to name him Kooper . I think that is adorable!
Just wanted to share our good news

Kooper's mama!!!!!!

Just another "HAPPY" in their ~~happily ever after~~!
Josh and Melissa celebrated their 6th Annivversary yesterday!!!!

And here is a " just because I found this and thought it was CUTE" picture!
Yay! :) Baby boys are so sweet :)
I told her when I saw her at church that night before we moved that she looked like she was having a boy. :) But, I was also wrong with myself. ;) So, I am just glad I got ONE right. ;) Congratulations!!!
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