Tomorrow is our BIG day!!! Kayden will be a big brother.....and he knows he is getting a Jaycie but if you ask him where she is he points to his tummy and says Jaycie...Kayden's Jaycie! Too funny.....he also knows that mama has a Jaycie but tomorrow will be a whole new experience for him.....
He is very infatuated with all the baby seat, bouncy seat, swing,bed...etc.....but he may want to give it all back when he finds out he has to share them =)..For now I am listening to his sweet little breaths as he lays on my bed sleeping {after a very busy morning of Yes Maam I am TWO years old tantrummmmmmms!} He is so sweet laying there with Grammy's green pillow{gotta have that pillow when he's here} and his Curious George blankey .........

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