Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pageant day.....

Today was the big pageant day.{actually it was a very small pageant, but we like them that way} It has been a while since Bree has wanted to be in a pageant, but she likes getting prettied up for these things. Naturally we had to get some pictures and since you{or maybe it's just me} can't get real good ones in a gym I got some before the pageant and before the rain. Now since I am the mama and she is my little girl, I think there is a little much skin showing, but sweaters are not good in pageants so here we go.........
I like this one in black and white too.....
And this one.......
This was at a spot on our way to the pageant....just looked like a good place to stop
Bree and her friend Kayla.......
Nope she didn't win or even place , but that's ok because she just had fun being pampered!


Karla said...

WOW!!! she looks beautiful!!takes after her mom,,,hope that you have a good weekend !!

Karla said...

awesome pic!!!love the location!!

Jessica said...

Such a beautiful girl... I just wish she would slow down her growing up long enough for me to adjust. :) You did a great job on the pictures, I love the red background. :)