Saturday, April 25, 2009

One season down......

One of my favorite season's......
****Softball**** This is the end of school softball season...but another one is soon to follow! {can ya tell the wind was blowing just a LITTLE bit?} worked for our good on this one
It's hard to tell that she REALLY did not feel like having her picture taken today{seriousy-she didn't which is unusual} , but uniforms go back Monday so I wanted to get some pictures of her before that. She was such a good sport about it!

Youth "FUN" night....

Last night we had a "FUN" night with the youth from church! I think everyone there had fun!! Lots of games, lots of laughs, and lots of pictures to share........Enjoy! {there are a lot of pictures posted, none edited...cause I'm lazy today...just straight out of the camera}
This was our dog bone relay....yes real dog bones....these kids can move didn't take them long to figure out how to transfer the bones the quickest way..... Bree said they were gritty....YUCK!
And speaking of YUCK.....this was our spiders and other disgusting bugs{plastic of course} spagetti dinner. Sherri got the most bugs out of her spagetti in 30 seconds!!!
Amber is trying hard to gather her spiders......
Jared is just not sure about bugs in his food!!!
This was part of our pig snot{I know yuck again} game. Marcus wanted to share his with Amy...
{it was only cool whip with green food coloring and a chewing gum pigs tounge in the center}
Jason even joined in on the fun! What pretty teeth you have :)
Bradly got his hair gelled with the pig snot! He doesn't look to upset about it though!
Mmmmmm.....looks yummy huh?
Egg relay for the littler ones......
Marcus and Bree rush to beat each other filling their cups......
Rhonda had fun! Here she is doing jumping jacks. Way to go Rhonda!!!!
Looks like fun huh?
And this was too funny for words. The kids made Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwichs with their feet. :)
Maggie joined in on this one..... AND WON!!!!!!! Yay Maggie!!! Bradly really got into this game. He even tasted his toes! So brave!
OOOOPS! Time out for some sweet/ silly faces!
Here the kids had to unlock their partner by finding the right key{among many} hidden in the bucket of kitty litter. For some it was easy and some it took a little while to find the right key!
digging for keys........
Amy has faith that Bree will unlock her......she is texting while Bree finds the right key...... Shaneesa waits to be unlocked by her partner.......hurry Becky! digging for marbles in icy cold water{and slimy worms.bugs,rocks and peeking...only the marbles count! Snacks galore!!!! Yummy...yummy food!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Monday....

Happy Monday to everyone!!!
{borrowed from Homegrown Hospitality}

Very late posting this Easter picture of Candace and Kayden. We were so busy that day that I really didn't even get many pictures at all......

Sisters on Easter

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pageant day.....

Today was the big pageant day.{actually it was a very small pageant, but we like them that way} It has been a while since Bree has wanted to be in a pageant, but she likes getting prettied up for these things. Naturally we had to get some pictures and since you{or maybe it's just me} can't get real good ones in a gym I got some before the pageant and before the rain. Now since I am the mama and she is my little girl, I think there is a little much skin showing, but sweaters are not good in pageants so here we go.........
I like this one in black and white too.....
And this one.......
This was at a spot on our way to the pageant....just looked like a good place to stop
Bree and her friend Kayla.......
Nope she didn't win or even place , but that's ok because she just had fun being pampered!