Monday, June 16, 2008


This morning Kayden found a Kee-Kaat(as he calls it) in the yard. I'm sure it belongs to one of our neighbors and it was very friendly. I got a few shots of Kayden playing with his new friend, the kee-kaat. >'.'<
The pretty kee-kaat....... >'.'<
Kayden got tickled when the kitty swished his tail in his face.... >'.'< Ohhhh.... soft kee-kaat...... >'.'< oooh....scratch behind my ears....... >'.'< Soft kee-kaat tail....... >'.'< Okay can let go now...... >'.'<
And wouldn't you know...when I brought the camera back in the kittly laid down beside him. sweet. >'.'<

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