Okay...we took Bree to the sports clinic Saturday and still not sure what is going on with her ankle but she starts physical therapy tomorrow afternoon....I feel sorry for her because I know it is going to be VERY painful.....especially since she cannot move , stand or walk on that foot! =( It's hard for a momma to see one of her babies hurting.....hopefully therapy will work because after that if it doesn't the Dr. mentioned a stress x-ray and possibly reconstruction surgery{ouch!!} Please be praying for her....I know she will appreciate it!
And I am amazed to say the least that my blog has had somewhere around 4500 plus hits in the past few weeks! That is a LOT for my little blog but Thanks to all who visit me here....I love to hear your comments, photo tips if you want to share them{I know I need them =) }, etc.
This is fair week here and I.....am not gonna go if I don't have to....Is that pittiful or what? When did I stop liking the fair? I love the exibits but just not interested in the rides anymore....Am I gettting old? Yikes!!! I think I am =\..........I do get to keep my little sweet pea darlin Jaycie this Friday overnight so her mommy can go to the fair after work and not have to worry about having to drive all the way back over here......
Jaycie is starting to get a little vocal with her cooing and she loves to smile at you when you are talking....she loves watching tv{she doesn't care what is on...I think she thinks they are talking to her} she loves being snuggled and hates getting her bath.

Sorry...messed up on the last one. :) What I said was...what SWEET pictures!!! <3 <3 <3. I love the HAT!!! I so need you to take my boys' pictures again. :) I wished we lived closer. :(
And I guess I can't get the hearts to work. Oh well. :(
oh she is such a doll!!!
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