Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have been wanting to take pictures of Candace and her little growing belly for a while but she works so much so it's hard to find time when she can go but we did for a little while yesterday. Our plans were to go to Cooper but they had all the trails closed since the prison workers were cleaning up{and they really do a good job!} so we ended up at the river because Kayden fell asleep so we couldn't wander very far from the car. We are going to try again soon to get some with Kayden so I will post them when I do........
in her favorite color"Orange"
Just a few to share......hopefully she won't have Jaycie before we can get some more =)


Jessica said...

Those are so good. :) She always looks so cute pregnant. :)

Karla said...

HOW EXCITING!!! These are really great shots.... she is very pretty!!!

Charin Adams said...

She looks adorable! :)