Monday, September 14, 2009

Okay...we took Bree to the sports clinic Saturday and still not sure what is going on with her ankle but she starts physical therapy tomorrow afternoon....I feel sorry for her because I know it is going to be VERY painful.....especially since she cannot move , stand or walk on that foot! =( It's hard for a momma to see one of her babies hurting.....hopefully therapy will work because after that if it doesn't the Dr. mentioned a stress x-ray and possibly reconstruction surgery{ouch!!} Please be praying for her....I know she will appreciate it!
And I am amazed to say the least that my blog has had somewhere around 4500 plus hits in the past few weeks! That is a LOT for my little blog but Thanks to all who visit me here....I love to hear your comments, photo tips if you want to share them{I know I need them =) }, etc.
This is fair week here and not gonna go if I don't have to....Is that pittiful or what? When did I stop liking the fair? I love the exibits but just not interested in the rides anymore....Am I gettting old? Yikes!!! I think I am =\..........I do get to keep my little sweet pea darlin Jaycie this Friday overnight so her mommy can go to the fair after work and not have to worry about having to drive all the way back over here......
Jaycie is starting to get a little vocal with her cooing and she loves to smile at you when you are talking....she loves watching tv{she doesn't care what is on...I think she thinks they are talking to her} she loves being snuggled and hates getting her bath.
Hope yall all have a wonderful week....enjoy the fall weather! It has been so nice here the past few weeks weather wise{plus a little rain} Can't wait to see all the beautiful fall colors!

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Friday......

Wow, It seems like it has been a long week even though I only had to work 4 days.....I did feel much better this week than the previous 2 weeks but still having a yucky bout with fibromyalgia, and migraines. But all in all a pretty good week!
Bree is once again having major trouble with her ankle{that she broke last year} so we are taking her to the sports clinic in the morning so hopefully she can find out what exactly is wrong with it...I really hope it is not broke again but it sure looks pretty bad...she has been on crutches most of the week. We are having our church picnic tomorrow at the park so she will be missing part of that I'm sure. And just for fun I will throw this in.... Yesterday I was on my way to town and we got to the stop light just up the road and this is what Kayden seen

{well kinda, this is not our actual Mc D's sign}

And he said....Grammy! you see dem french fries? See dem fries? And so naturally we got him some fries and a Dop Pepper {actually a Happy Meal} from the french fry

Then.... His car seat is by Jaycies in the back seat and she started crying and he said Bree look at dis....and put his finger in her mouth and she hushed right up....he really thought he had done something big ! Yes I did make him take his finger out of her mouth, but she was probably enjoying the salt from his little french fry fingers!
I finally got all the pictures edited that need to be edited and now I am trying to clean up my computer some and get rid of lots and lots of pictures that are on it......that'll take a while!
Hope everyone has a Great weekend!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Today I got to take pictures of two little cuties!!! Little sister slept through almost the whole thing, but she didn't mind the camera on little bit =).......Here's a few to share..... We tried to get the duck where it face the camera but she liked it better facing her! She won!!!
Hopefully we will get to get some more at a later date when she is awake....They are both so cute!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Just one more post today......

Today due to the rain and sogginess the plans to take outside pictures for a friend were cancelled and since I had Miss Jaycie for the da anyway, and didn't feel much like doing anything else.....I set up a few things right quick to get some long overdue pictures of her.....It's hard to believe that she is already 2 1/2 months old.....and getting cuter everyday....{or at least she is to me}
Here's our lil dolly........
too the saying!
Oh, I hope she enjoys having her picture taken forever....
Jaycie!!!! what big eyes you have.......=)
I took pictures of Kayden like this at about the same age{minus the hairbow of course}
Okay, that is 3 posts in one day so I think I am all caught up for now.....

Dalton {& Bree}

Last weekend Brees boyfriend Dalton came to visit her so we got the chance to get some picture of him{& her} I don't know Dalton very well yet but hopefully as time passes we'll get to know him a little better....some things I do know about him are **He's bashful {except around Bree--at least at my house he was} **So very well mannered and sweet natured **Awesome guitar player{what little I heard} **Love's Mountain Dew! {see pictures below} ** A natural at having his picture made{just tell him what you want him to do and he does it!} **He's a hunter{a plus with the men in our family....they all love hunting} **And he is Brees favorite person{I used to be, but it's ok}
Okay, so I'm finally getting a little{and I do mean little} caught up on some posting.
I took these pictures several weeks ag{like before school started} and I'm just now getting to the posting part.
Sorry it took me so long Tamara =(
Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles
what a cutie pie!
Mom...Tamara ~~pretty as usual~~
These two boys have the prettiest blue!
All Aboard!
Mr. Handsome =)
Isn't this a sweet picture?