Thursday, September 25, 2008

Carter's first Autumn...

Today I got to take some pictures of such an adorable baby. He really looks like a doll. Our plans were to take some pictures of him laying on a pumpkin asleep. He just wasn't feeling up to posing on a pumpkin today , but we did get a few shots of him and his Aunt Rhonda.....
Look at that precious face....I told you he looked like a doll ! Here he is with his Aunt Rhonda..... Don't you just love those dark little eyes..... Shhhh......He thinks he's snuggeling with his Pappy...... Just mail me to my Grandma...... Miss Rhonda....
You didn't think I would forget his lil piggies did you?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Congratulations Candace!!!

Congratulations to our Candace! She was accepted into college today!
It will be online for now(through a college in Colorado Springs, Co) but still we are proud of her! She wants to be a pediatric nurse! Yay Candace!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I was tagged by Charin to name 7 Random or Weird things about me{I could probably fill a page :) } Here is how you play: 1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog 1. I can't eat banannas or hotdogs....they give me migraines. 2. To me, there will never be a better sandwich than peanut butter & jelly. 3. I love plants, but usually kill them within a few days. 4. Me and Bobby have 2 dates a year...Spring and Fall War Eagle Craft Shows-we've done this for years! 5. Snow makes me happy!!! Snowplows that clear my road so I can't be snowed in DON'T ! 6. I rarely paint my fingernails because of my job but almost always have my toenails painted. 7. I don't like texting on my cell phone. I can talk much faster :) Most everyone I know that has a blog has already been tagged except Rhonda . Have a wonderful work week!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Yes, I shoot like a girl..........

Sunday Wade brought over his new bow to get it sighted in for the upcoming bow season and the girls decided to give it a try themselves....
Ready...Aim...Fire...Yep, she hit the target {good shot} And not to be outdone by her big sister...Bree had a try too and also hit the target. I think these girls are ready for hunting season{except for one small little thing, they don't have a bow!} Oh well, they sure had fun!

Baby love......

Sometimes it's the simple things that pacify a chewing on a lawn mower seat......
I Love this baby......

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Today, I married my friend......

Saturday I had the privilage of taking Stan and Elma Perdue's wedding photos. They are such a sweet couple, and seem so happy together. I had a lot of fun, but I'm still learning. Here are a few of them.....
Mother and Daughter (maid of honor)
The beautiful bride....Elma
My best little man Kayden and their Best Man Wade
Candace and Kayden.....
Exchanging vows......
With this ring....... And they lived happily ever after............

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy friday....

Wow....this has been a busy fast week. We are so happy to have our lil Kayden home and doing better. He is still sick but not like he was before. He is still slowly being weaned off the medicines he was on and still has to use an inhaler a few times a day but still that is much better than he was doing this time last week. He did come for a visit for a few hours Tuesday and of course Grammy{he calls me GingGing :) } had to take some pictures. He loves it outside like most every other child does.
Kayden and Papa..... {hint.....never let Papa have Kayden first if you want to play with him--he is a Papa's boy for sure!} Poor baby.... he is still a little pale, and not real perky....... But still sweet as ever......... And it goes without saying that is sure does look a lot like fall yall...... I am so ready. I love the cinnamoney.....pumpkin.....spiced cider......harvest smells . I think I just love almost everything about fall. Now I just need to get out my decorations ......... Just waiting on the leaves to change their colors now........
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Coming Home....

Our baby Kayden is coming home today!!! They were going to keep him a little while longer but decided to send him home. He still has to be weaned off the sedatives and heal up from the pneumonia but hopefully he will feel much better soon. Thank you all again for praying for our lil darlin'. We appreciate it so very much. Have a wonderful week!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Just a little longer......

Our lil Kayden is mcuh better than he was but we have to wait just a little longer until he gets to come home. Poor Candace and Wade keep getting their hopes up because they tell them"maybe tomorrow--maybe tomorrow" but today they said it would still be a few more days. He is on high doses of adivan and maybe methadone (not sure on that one)to try to wean him off the medicine they had him on when he was on the ventalator but that should only take a few more days hopefully. He does tend to want to stay up all night now, and sleeps little so that really makes for long days for his mama and daddy. He is real shaky from the medicine and still can't stand on his own, but he is getting to where he can set up by himself. They are trying to keep him occupied playing with tractors and baloons and taking him for rides in the wagon down the halls but since he's little and has such a short attention span, I'm sure he tires form those things pretty easily. We did get to go see him yesterday but probably won't get to again before he comes home since we have to go back to work tomorrow.
We are still so thankful for all God has done for our lil *chubby bubby*

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Better news.....

Kayden has had a much better day today and even got taken off the ventalator. That is so much better than the news we had gotten last night. He is still wheezy and very tired and trying to figure out what is going on but he is awake for the first time in almost a week and wants his MaMa. If all goes well he will get moved out of PICU sometime tomorrow afternoon and into a regular room. We are so thankful ! Our lil darlin is on the road to mends now we think. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for him. We appreciate it so very much!! :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Whatttta Sad Week..........:(

Please keep praying for Kayden..... His mama and daddy are really physically drained, but doing ok
This has been a very sad week for us.......
Last Friday night our lil darlin Kayden aspirated a small ink pen cap(about 1/4" long) and his left lung collapsed. He has been in Childrens Hospital since Saturday, but is still on the ventalator. He has aspiration pneumonia in his left lung also as a result of the blockage and the collapsing of the lung. We were hoping that tomorrow would be the day they would take him off(for the second time) but they don't think they will be able to now because his oxygen levels are very irratic. He is breathing a little on his own but mostly by the ventalator right now. The Dr.s say this is normal in these cases and think he just needs more time to heal.
I am so appreciative for all of you who have been praying for Kayden. Please keep doing so and I will try to update as I can. I have access to computers at the hospital but I'm not sure about blog pages, I mostly just use the yahoo thing and e-mail who I can with the updates. We will be going back down tomorrow and again on Saturday. Bree is having surgery on her mouth Friday so we will not be able to stay tomorrow, but probably will on Saturday .