Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ahhhh Sunshine !!!

I was so absolutely tickled that we had Beautiful Beautiful sunshine yesterday!! I have been wanting to take pictures at a few places for a few weeks now and finally got a pretty day to do it. We hit several spots and took lots and lots of pictures but here are some of my favorite ones.
WE both loved this alley but didn't want to bother anyone during work hours so we went early for a few shots here. One of Brees favorite mouth poses.... Love all the bright colors on the playground.....
Bree seen this door probably about a month ago and has wanted pictures by it since then......we bothl love old doors and buildings.... Another old was perfect!!!! The grass is definately greener on the other side of the river...ours is not so green's a mystery to me, cause we surely got as much rain as they did. :)
Back to the alley.....with her little pnk do-rag Told ya...old doors...old buildings , great photo spots....... Lip gloss break......... Yesterday was just so much fun after being cooped up for the past few weeks, and now with spring here it's bound to get better.....Have a wonderful week!!!!!!

1 comment:

Charin Adams said...

Great pictures Crystal! :)