Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Has it really been that long?

Once again I loaded pictures AFTER I typed....soooooo the pictures are posted first! Christmas picture 2010
Me and Bobby
Bree and Dalton....on their special day
The Awwwwww.....mament when he asked her to marry him!
And her reaction...of course she said yes!!!!
Bree on her last day having braces
Bree after braces came off....Just a little happy!!
Melissa and Kooper
Kooper and his Daddy
Melissa, Kooper, and Josh
Okay so I FINALLY got back to my blog... Yah I know I said I would be black to blog but somehow never made it back on here....I have by far probably been the worst blogger in the year of 2010!!!! We have been VERY busy these past few months but have news to share....
Kooper turned a big one year old in November....he is such a good baby although he has been very sick with ear infections and his momma has had a time with being sick herself....
Candace and her children moved back here and she has a new job which provides her a steady income for her and her family.... she has had a pretty rough year so we are happy things are looking up for her ....
Basketball season is off and running and therefore we are too! Our lady Warriors are doing well this season! And Praise the Lord Bree has not been hurt or on crutches this year.....
Bobby ended up getting cellulitus in his elbow{OUCH} which landed him in the hospital for three days and having surgery to remove the infection...he is healing nicely now and glad to get back to his normal routine which is busy.....
Bree finally got to get her braces off after wearing them for 26 months...needless to say it was a very special day!
A week before Christmas our daughter Brianna got engaged to a very sweet young man named Dalton...anyone who follows us on facebook probably already heard this happy news =) We couldn't be happier for the both of them...They are waiting until she graduates which will be 2012 to marry. I was fortunate enough to capture this very special moment!
We all had a very Merry Christmas....a very busy day...plenty to eat...but very blessed...
I am off for the week and trying to play catch up with housework and laundry and hopefully get all the Christmas decorations down and start decorating for Valentines Day!
Well, that is about all for now...I would say I will be back soon to blog and hopefully so but with my blogging history this past year I will leave well enough alone for now and just say I will definately try to do better...


Leave It To Davis said...

Got your comment on my blog....just want you to know I meant all the compliments....I have clicked on many blogs, and only commented on three...yours being one of them. You take beautiful pictures.

I have a 16 year old son that has braces....he should get his off in January. I understand your daughter's excitement.

I don't have a facebook page. I keep my blog for my children and grandchildren to know what my thoughts were on them and on life so that one day when I am no longer here, they can read them and feel close to me again. My father died two years ago and he had a blog. I go back and read what he wrote when I feel blue. It always makes me laugh.

Lady Leanne said...

I may be wrong but I think I recognize the college and the park in your pictures! I'm from north central Arkansas and this looks like home! Great pictures!