Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wow! it has been such a crazy busy last few weeks...and this ole body is just tired! Sooooo, that is why I haven't posted anything new.....gotta get some new pics of Jaycie on here...she is 2 months already and growing and changing so fast....and I'll try to get some new ones of Kayden if we can get him slowed down enough!
Candace is potty training Kayden now and bought him new big boy underwear yesterday and he was very excited....he told me when he got to my house that he got new shoes and new wonderwear!!!! lol......just had to laugh on that one.....=)
Hmmmm.....I wonder....if new shoes makes children think they can run faster, what does new wonderwear help them do.....potty train faster? I hope so!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Today when Kayden was over between pulling out the toys, and books and eating pickles, and trail mix and granola bars and of course watching "CARS"{his I gotta watch it everyday at Grammys house movie } he was telling me about him and his daddy going fishing....I love to hear him talking in {almost }complete sentences.....
Me-did you go fishing?
Kayden-yah, I go sishin' with Daddy
Me-you and Daddy went fishing?
Kayden-I go sishin' on Daddys boat!
Me-did you catch any fish?
Me-was it a big or little fish?
Kayden-A big sishey, I reed in{reeled it in }
Me -you caught a big fish?
Kayden-yah, a big sishey in Daddys boat.....
He's so cute and apparently I have nothing better to do than to enjoy these simple little conversations with a 2 year old......I love to talk to him......he tells me every little bit "I luuu you Grammy" "I luuuu you Grammy" {ahhhhhhhh------sigh} This is just what it takes to make for a happy day in this Grammys life! And then to top it all off a smile from Jaycie! She too will one day make me smile with her sweet little conversations =)
So parents of little ones who in your eyes are growing up way to fast and you just want them to be your babies's not all bad....the reward for letting them grow up and become Mommies and Daddys are the grandchildren they bring home for you to enjoy!
BUUUUUUUTTTTTT.......I'm not ready for Bree to grow up that much yet either so I think I will let her stay my little girl for as long as I can!
And to top off all this fun....IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! YAY!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Shaneesa {2010}
Last Thursday I got to take some pictures for sweet friend Sherri's daughter....I had a great time doing these.....
Friday, August 7, 2009
snapshots of my babies.....
I got a few snapshots of my lil darlins a few days ago and wanted to share!!!! Kayden likes seeing his picture on the camera but wan't stay still long enough usually to take any of him......Jaycie is filling out wonderfully! It's hard to believe she is already 6 weeks old....
I was holding Jaycie the other day while Kayden was playing and we had said something about me being Jaycie's when I asked him to come and sit with me he said" No, that Jaycie Grammy.....lee-me-lone" =( Now ain't that sad?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Looking for the right spot......
We spent several hours Monday looking for just the right spot at the lake{because the river is too cold} to take a picture that we had seen over the weekend, but no luck in finding anything we really liked but we did get a few by a dock and the lake so at least our time was'nt totally wasted....when we find the right spot for our picture I'll post it!

Country girl at heart........
Her is the other pictures I took the other day{well some of them}....I'm finally getting them posted......not much to say about them except we had fun!
Monday, August 3, 2009
A girl can never have too many boots....
Or can she?..........
This year when we were discussing school shopping.....Bree said she wanted new boots{imagine that} instead of shoes for school, which makes perfect sense since that is just about all she wears, so she got new red/brown Ariat Pro Baby boots........just what we needed for some new pictures!
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