Sunday, November 30, 2008


We had a wonderful busy Thanksgiving Day. I did watch some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I love watching it every chance I get. Some years I don't get to but this year I did......
And for a change{and this doesn't happen very often} I didn not get up early and hit the Black Friday sales, I didn't really need anything that was on sale this year .{Not that it wasn't nice things on sale...but I just didn't need anything that was on sale } But we did manage to get our tree up on Friday. Very unusual for us......
Mama eating pumpkin pie...... My neice and her family..... Bree....didn't miss a beat texting her friends{and one in particular boyfriend :) } while the boys played football...... My nephews Dakota, Jacob, and Jesse......
Yes.... he really flipped over limber!
Jesse and Dakota doing backflips together. I am certain my body will not flip backwards like that.
Kasie and her husband Ricky.....
Bobby enjoying his 2nd dinner.....
Jaden, Holly, Kensie, and Micheal......
Dakota, Bree , and Jesse.....
Look at jacob kick that ball......
Granny{my mama} and Candace......
Granny and Bree..... Granny and Kasie....
My baby sister Davida.....
Shhhh......Rod is resting after working and eating a big dinner....
I'm just a little slow at posting pictures from Thanksgiving. We went to Bobbby's parents house and My mom's house for TWO dinners {Gobble till ya wobble I rekon} but I only thought to get my camera out at My mom's , and that was mainly due to taking pictures of my neices family.
Just wanted to share a few of the FEW that I got. Sorry, I didn't get any of the delicious food, I was busy eating that.....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Drew & sweet :)

With the busy Holiday weekend {and decorating for Christmas} I am still running behind on editing pictures, but I did get the chance to take Drew and Morley's pictures last week. I took them last year about this time and goodness how they have grown. Take a peek at how sweet they are.....
I absolutely this picture of Drew....
Morely had fun with the suitcase......

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Carter's first Christmas.....

This afternoon I had the privilege of taking sweet little Carter's pictures. Ohhh how cute he is!! And he's quite the little conversationalist {he tells you how "good" he is :) }
I think his mama and daddy got a good lil present....
Time out for some finger chewing....
So much fun....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

you tube video....

My sister sent me this message via e-mail today and the video was so amazing, I just had to share it with yall. Sometimes in our hurried lives we tend to forget our soldiers who are still fighting for our safty and freedom. Let's not forget them...
All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!This film was made by a 15 year old girl. It is the hottest thing on the Internet and on Fox News today. Lizzie Palmer who put this program together, is 15 years old. There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning. In case you missed it, here it is. Watch all of it.......and, pass it on!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm Gettin' Ready for Christmas.....

With the cooler weather now and no pretty leaves to admire, it puts me in the Christmas mood a little more. In fact today we have watched 2 Christmas movies. My favorite is "It's a Wonderful Life" {but I havn't watched that one YET today} This kind of weather makes me want to stay in and drink hot cocoa or coffee and just enjoy the coziness of the soon coming season change .
Here's a Christmas picture I took of Bree a few weeks ago. I was going to wait to post more of them together but decided NAW.....:).

Yall enjoy your cool little Sunday afternoon! :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chilly Day Photos........

Oh Wow!!! was it chilly today or what? Almost to cold for me to go out, but we did finally venture out about 2:30{after I waited all day long for an auction to end on Ebay....I lost :( }
But.....on our way to Wal-Mart we stopped off at the ball park to take a few quick pictures. We never did make it to Wal-Mart though.
This one was the main reason we stopped at the park. The photo shoppping isn't exactly like I wanted but it'll do........ So many favorites from today. Just had to share a few.