Wow.....over 2 months and I haven't even updated anything on here....sorry about would think with it being summer break I would keep my blog updated a tad bit better but I've been slacking(I blame it partly on facebook....I tend to visit there more often to check on how everyone is doing) BUT I am today to update a little on here.....
Haven't been doing many photo sessions....partly because of heat and partly because my cd burner went out on my computer so I can't download to cd's right now....I do have several to do in the next few weeks or so so maybe I will have new pics to post on those...tomorrow I am going to try to get some new ones of Bree with her car....yes, she is driving on her own now and has a little Chevy malibu to take her where she needs to go. That will come in handy when school starts so she can drive herself to and from school and ball practice.
The grandbabies are growing so fast and I haven't been as good about getting pictures this summer as I have in times past....busy? lazy? one or the other, not altogether sure!

Here is Mr. Kooper at one of the softball games this summer.....he is getting quite talkative and has his first teeth now. He will be moblie before we know it!

This one was on Jaycie's first birthday.....she is a busy little thing....very curious about what is in everything.

Mr. Kayden on his birthday....several months ago....he liked the fire on his cake!
And now on to our summer vacation.....very much needed and enjoyed! We went to Colorado once again....we just don't get tired of seeing it....found a new place we love...."Creede" . It is such a cute little town with lots to see there....or at least we thought so...still didn't get to see all we wanted to so we will probably have to visit there again Lord willing. My pics are not in order on how our trip went.....kinda backwards actually...{that would be the bloggers(me) fault}
But here are some vacation pics to share with you.....

this was at the Royal Gorge(CanonCity, Colorado) on our way down into the gorge

The pool at the campground we stayed at said it was heated......Bree and Bobby did NOT think so so they only stayed in for about 5 minutes.

This was at the Cheyenne Mtn. is an upside down tree.....very well named I thought.

a close up of one of the dawned on me as I was looking at it that when they make movies or cartoons of dragons...this is kinda the way their heads look....could be just me.

This big ole hippo had an attitude!!!! it came in and couldn't get the gate opened to go to the pool so it started biting on the bars and growling....yikes!!!

The Royal Gorge Bridge....over a thousand feet down to the had been about 8 years since we have been there and was nice to re-visit but I'm probably good for another 8 years again.

this is the cart we rode across the gorge in...kind of a peaceful ride...not as scary as you would think.

Bobby throwing a tomahawk.....

my two lil convicts....finally got caught!!! lol

Too funny! " No fishing from the bridge" It's only over a thousand feet to the water!!!! lol

Bree at Creede...such a cute lil town!

Bree spotted the only moose we saw the whole trip..... would have loved to be closer but this was from the road and mama moose never took her eyes off of us the whole time we were there!

flowers at the Blanco River campground.....

waterfall north of Creede

old mining ghosttown just outside of Creede.

One of Brees favorite things to do....ride horses.....

more flowers from one of the campgrounds....

I love this idea!

it ende up that this was one of the very few hikes we did if not the only.....Treasure falls...between Durango and Pagosa Springs.
Bree with Silverton in the background
Pagosa Hot Springs of my favorite little towns in Colorado

Chimney Rock.....

Caddilac Ranch....always wanted to stop here and this year we finally did!

love this shot!

near the entrance to the Durango Riverside Campground we stayed at

Mesa Verde

Mesa Verde
I feel like I have wasted my whole summer by not getting any projects done so today I started painting the utility room and then will move on the the much neglected back bedroom.....hasn't been painted since Candace was a junior I think.....ummmmm several years is orange and pink with a tye dye border I'm gonna tone it way down with some more neutral colors....hopefully will post pics when it is done!
Hope everyone is having a great summer!