Last week Bre and I had a few minutes before running errands so we went to the park and railroad tracks for some picture taking. (You'll have to scroll down a bit to see the pics since I am still trying to figure this all out and can't figure out how to get the pictures under the posts.) I wanted to try out my new camera that my sweetie of a husband bought me and she was dressed so cute for pictures! BOY did it do a great job! I'm still trying to figure it all out but I sure am enjoying it. Hopefully we will do some Christmas pictures soon to post.
Do you realize Christmas is only a month away? If you were in the day after Thanksgiving crowd shopping last Friday you probably do. Wow! Where did the year go. I love Christmas! I mostly love the reason for the season *Jesus*. I just watched "The Nativity Story". Once again I am reminded that It wasn't an easy task for Mary to endure the ridicule from others who did not believe her, and Joseph must have loved her very much and God also to trust the angel who told him that Mary was carrying Gods son. If you havn't saw this movie- it is well worth renting. I love the shopping and giving presents. Snow, candycanes, caroling, hot chocolate, christmas movies( I really like the old ones like It's a Wonderful life), I love the smell of spruce and pine and spiced apple cider . I love the decorating, although if you saw my house right now you might not think so. I am trying to move from Fall/Thanksgiving to Christmas. So far I have my tree up(no lights or decorations) and a snowman by my front door. BUT........ I still have fall placemats and a fall Centerpiece on my kitchen table, so if you are in my lving room it's ~~~ummmm~~~almost Christmas and if your in the kitchen it's still Fall. The lights and decorations are in the attic and Bobby is in the shop and I'm not climbing into the attic on our wobbly ole ladder. We really need to retire it and get a new one.
I am just getting started on this blogspot thing , and I must say -it's a booger for me to try and figure some of this stuff out. I absolutely LOVE to take pictures and this seems like a wonderful way to share them with my friends and family. My two most loyal photography subjects are Bre and Kayden. Bre , cause she loves to have her picture taken(except n the morning-she's not a morning person) and Kayden cause he's not old enough to protest or run off :)Anyway- more to come of thes photo darlins' soon I hope.